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Submission Guidelines
Send us your manuscript.
Unlike most publishers within the industry, we welcome unsolicited manuscripts or query letters and you don't have to enlist the services of an established literary agent unless you want to; our doors are open. We are the new kid on the block, and because this policy is not consistent with most publishing guidelines, humungous amounts of letters and manuscript submissions may slow us down, at times, but we'll get to all of them or holler uncle until we catch up.
Outlined below is the basic procedure for submitting manuscripts :
Hard copy manuscripts or electronic submissions are acceptable. You should provide all pertinent information in the email message if you submit online, or include a cover page if you send a hard copy.
You can submit your manuscript any way you want to, but it should be easy to read; and you should follow the suggestions below :
We use professional layout and design software to complete each page of the manuscript. Follow these guidelines to help make the transference process move effortless.
Create your manuscript as a single word processing document with Microsoft Word or WordPerfect software.
Use Times New Roman, Adobe Caslon Pro, or Garamond typeface.
Use Twelve-point type, and no headers, footers, or page numbering.
An 8.5" x 11" layout is a good choice, with 1" margins all around.
Include a cover sheet with any information applicable to your prose, and a few words about you.(Have you been published previously? Do you have special expertise in your subject area?)
It is important that writers supply a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) if they want a response. If you do not want us to return the manuscript, just send a letter size envelope. We will not return your sample or respond without return postage.
When submitting a proposal, please remember that it may take one month for the editors to review it, or longer if submissions are abundant. OmniLand Books has an acquisitions team, which includes a number of staff members. Be patient, we will respond as soon as we can. If you have questions or want to inquire about the status of your work: E-mail Your Questions
If you are interested in having a manuscript considered for publication by OmniLand Books send your submissions to:
Editor of Submissions
OmniLand Books
P.O. Box 313
Anahuac,TX 77514
Manuscript Submission Guidelines for Skyline Publishing:
Self-publishing, coupled with Print On Demand (POD) services is becoming
an industry standard for getting published, it allows you, the author complete control over publishing your own book.
Skyline Publishing is an imprint of OmniLand Books for those who are interested in POD Self-Publishing. Click on this link to get started.
Get Published.